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Privacy Policy

    Privacy Policy of Kaohsiung Revenue Service Office

    Dear friend, your personal privacy will be absolutely respected and protected by “Kaohsiung Revenue Service Office Global Network”. The following informationexplains the way that this website collects and utilizes the information, as wellas our privacy policy. 

    I.Scope of application of the privacy policy

    The following privacy policy declaration applies to the collection, utilization andprotection of related personal information when you are using “KaohsiungRevenue Service Office Network.” However, it does not apply to other websitessearched and linked through our website. When you are accessing thesewebsites, the protection of your personal information will be applied to theprivacy protection policy of each website. 

    II.Ways to collect and utilize personal information

    When applicants are required to provide personal information, upon theutilization of application service, Internet survey, online activities, etc. providedby “Kaohsiung Revenue Service Office Global Network”, you will be asked to fill in your name, contact telephone number, contact address, ID card number,e-mail address, and so on. The collected personal information will only servefor the purposes of reply application, statistics, or notification of prize winningin lucky draw activities. This website will not transfer any of the information forany other purposes.
    Our website conducts internal research on numbers, interests and behaviorof the users according to the polls and marketing activities. This researchemploys statistics, analysis, and sorting, according to the information of 
    the whole of Internet users, and only the sum total of the entire users'behavior will be analyzed and announced among all the public informationor analyses reports. Analyses reports on individual information will not be 
    provided to any specific person.

    III.Individual obligations

    All the users have the obligations to fill in the latest personal information andto make sure that the information is accurate and complete, when using theonline application service provided by “Kaohsiung Revenue Service Office 
    Global Network.” If any of the information you provided is incorrect or false,all the related units of “Kaohsiung Revenue Service Office Global Network” will have the right to decline the utilization of the whole or partial service of this account. 

    IV.Counseling and help regarding privacy protection policy

    If you have any question or comment regarding the items above, please senda letter to our mail box.
    If you found any violation of this policy conducted by any of the related unitsof our revenue service office, please send a letter to our mail box as well, forreporting. 
